Best Truck Driving Schools in the U.S | Trucking Tips

trucking tips

Searching and selecting a truck driving schools in the U.S. is an obvious question for all the initial beginners. While selecting the schools there are few things one must go through before enrolling in a certain driving course. The first and foremost consideration should be whether it’s an accredited training institution or not. The institutions that meet the Professional Truck Driver Institute standard are the most reliable ones. Now they charge the school is taking from the students is a very vital thing to scrutinize.  One must check whether the authority can claim any sort of hidden cost. Well, another important matter is driving time that ensures a good lesson. Excluding the observation time, the learners must have at least 44 hours of actual driving time. Another very pivotal matter to scrutinize is the instructors who will be the moral and practical support for you in the process. The good institutions maintain a good ratio between the students and trucks. Sometimes they provide driving placements in reputed companies for the eligible students.

Top 5 CDL Truck Training Schools/Companies in the USA

1. FFE Transportation

Over 50 years FFE Transportation is providing outstanding license training. Most interestingly the CDL program at their company does not call for any charge as you will get employed at their own company after the completion of the course. Even there is no initial payment you need to pay them and after you get your check, post your employment no amount will be deducted from that. At FFE one can get dedicated positions at regional zone but only after attaining 3 to 6 months of experience.

2. Prime transportation

Prime transportation is one of the most flourishing trucking companies that provide abundant scopes of learning commercial vehicles especially trucks, tractors, and trailers. It provides a unique commercial training program as the drivers are sent to the practical zone to learn properly.  The instructors maintain a one on one connection to provide the best possible guidance. The fee structure is also very budget-friendly for the initial learning drivers.

3. Pam Transport

Since 1980 Pam transport has been providing specialized courses in the vehicle industry. Their education network is quite well known mainly around Texas.

4. Knight Transportation

Since 1988 Knight Transportation is continuing its reputation in providing the truck driving course. The most amusing part is the company will bestow incredible salaries, incentives, and benefits upon the employers.

5. SWIFT Transportation

SWIFT transportation is one of the popular names in the U.S. industry. They offer a comprehensive course of less than a month. But they have another option for a long training period that comprises more than 2 years.
Just survey and study in detail about the companies to take good measures in the truck driving training process.
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